7-3 Economically Backward Classes candidates means those whose annual family income is less than
Rs. 50,000/-. They have to upload EBC certificate on prescribed format as per Annexure-C.
7-4 The examination fee is non-refundable (except those mentioned in Para 9.2). It should be paid
ONLINE using internet banking or debit/credit cards (service charges apply for all which will be
borne by the candidates). Applications not accompanied with examination fee, wherever required,
will be summarily rejected.
8-1 Candidates can apply through ONLINE mode by visiting the website of http://www.rrcpryj.org.
Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the instructions available on the website.
The onus is on the candidate to prove that all the information provided/ submitted by him/her in
the application is true.
8-2 Candidates are required to go to the link provided for filling ONLINE application and fill up the
personal details/BIO-DATA, fee paid etc. carefully.
NOTE-I: Candidates should ensure that their Name, Father's Name, Date of Birth should exactly match as
recorded in Matriculation or equivalent certificate. Any deviation found during Document
Verification will lead to cancellation of candidature and also to debarment. In case any candidate
has formally changed the name, then gazette notification or any other legal document, as
applicable should be submitted at the time of Document Verification. Such candidates should
indicate their changed name. However other details should match with the matriculation
NOTE-II: Candidates are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid e-mail ID in the ONLINE
application and keep them active during the entire recruitment process as important messages
will be sent by email and on mobile which will be deemed to have been read by the candidates.
8-3 The examination fee of Rs. 500 for each category (For candidates mentioned in Para 7.2 Rs. 250)
should be paid ONLINE using internet banking or debit/credit cards (service charges apply for all
which will be borne by the candidates). After making payment of fee relevant details are required
to be filled in the prescribed column of the ONLINE application.
8-4 Candidates are required to upload their scanned color photograph of size 3.5cm x 3.5cm (Black &
White photograph is prohibited) in JPEG format and 20 Kb to 30 Kb at appropriate place of
8-5 Candidates are required to upload their scanned Signature (in English or in Hindi) in JPEG format
and 10 Kb to 15 Kb at appropriate place of website.
NOTE: - Photographs: The color photograph of size 3.5 cm X 3.5 cm in JPEG format and 20 Kb to 30 Kb
(not earlier than three months from the date of notification), with clear front view of the
candidate without cap and sunglasses, should be uploaded. Candidates may note that their
candidature may be cancelled at any stage in case of uploading old/unclear photograph or
Signature in Capital Latter or variations between photograph uploaded and the actual physical
appearance of the candidate. Candidates are advised to keep two additional copies of the same
photograph ready with them for bringing along with e-Admit Card and valid Photo ID at the time
of examination.
8-6 During submission of ONLINE application, a Registration Number will be issued to each applicant.
Candidates are advised to preserve/note their Registration Number for further stages of
recruitment process / correspondence with RRC concerned.
NOTE-I: - Applications which are illegible, Mandatory columns not filled, incomplete, unsigned, signed in
capital letters, without photo of candidate, not having requisite fee (if applicable) are liable to be
NOTE-II: - In case the application is rejected, candidates will be able to view their status ONLINE on the
website of RRC concerned along with the reasons for rejection(s). SMS and e-mail alerts shall
also be sent to the candidates on their registered mobile number and e-mail ID, as indicated in
their ONLINE application. Candidates whose application/candidature is rejected will NOT be
intimated by post.
NOTE-III: - To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to submit ONLINE
application much before the closing date since there may be a possibility of inability/failure to
log on to the website of RRC concerned on account of heavy load on the internet or website jam
during last days.